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Emperor Sissi & Co.

During the times of Emperor Sissi, the thermal sources of the Ultimo Valley became famous due to their medicinal effect. The medicinal water of the health sources "Bagni di Mezzo, "Bagno Lad", "I Bagnetti" and "Sopracqua" located between S. Pancrazio and S. Valburga were successfully used for drinking cures and for baths. The cure was successful in soothing nervous disorders, injuries, indigestion, skin disease and anaemia.

In addition to Emperor Sissi, also Otto von Bismarck, the painter Franz Defregger, and the authors Thomas and Heinrich Mann enjoyed long stays in the peaceful and relaxing thermal sources of the Ultimo Valley. The ferriferous and mineral-containing water of the sources is still used by the population as a medicinal remedy or for drinking cures.