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Ultimo Valley Wellness ABC

Aroma Therapy

Aroma therapy is a relaxation therapy based on the medicinal effect of ethereal oils. Scents of blossoms, leafs, needles or roots are enriched with basic oils, rubbed into the skin, inhaled or used as bathing supplements.

Brechel Bath

Fresh herbs and ethereal oils are used as bathing supplements. These essences optimally release their active agents in the damp and warm air and free your respiratory tract.

Buttermilk Bath

This special milk bath has a refreshing and very caring effect. Butter milk supports the regeneration of the skin.

Gemstone Therapy

Gemstones are believed to have certain characteristics: In order to activate the self-healing powers of the body, gemstones are applied along the chakras (energy centres).

Hay Bath

This natural mix of herbs is added to the water about 1 hour prior to the bath. The water is slowly heated in order to release the ethereal oils contained in hay. Water binds the pollen (especially important for persons suffering from an allergy), and the healing agents of hay are applied via the skin and the respiratory tract.

Hop Bath

Hop fruit contains many ethereal oils and therefore have a relaxing effect on body and spirit.

Climate Cure

A climate cure is a medicinal cure with a positive effect on illnesses, physical complaints and depressions. The air and the climate have a positive effect on the respiratory tract, you can breathe more freely because the air is free of pollen.

Kneipp Therapy

Kneipp therapy includes more than one hundred different water treatments. Water stepping is probably the most famous of all. Applied on a regular basis, the body's defence is stabilised, circulation is stimulated, and the treatment contributes to physical and mental wellbeing in general.

Hayrack Oven

The so-called "Kraxnofen" (hayrack oven) used to be part of every traditional wooden room in farms. The modern version consists of brick seating corners, into which the hayrack filled with hay is fitted. By heating up this hayrack, the hay releases its agreeable characteristics and has a relaxing and revitalising effect.

Herbal Bio Sauna

The air temperature of the herbal bath reaches about 45 degrees C and a humidity of 80% C. The various herbal extracts like camomile, eucalyptus, mint, lemon, etc. are released for optimal effect. In order to amplify the medicinal effect infusions are applied from time to time.

Herbal Emperor Bath

Here you bathe in a brew of different alpine herbs. In addition to the relaxing and purifying effect of this bath, the body is able to absorb the different agents and distribute them throughout the entire body.

Herbal Wrap

The body is wrapped in cloths, which are first rinsed in herbal tea or decoctions. A herbal pack provides a natural treatment for weight reduction. First, the herbal wraps are applied to the problematic areas. Then, the bandaged body parts are heated up with thermo wraps so the body starts to sweat.

Whey Bath

This bath stimulates blood circulation, has a moisturising effect and smoothes the skin. A whey cure replaces daily meals through whey. The cure detoxifies the body and is rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Mud Bath / Mud Pack

The mud bath has a long-lasting heat effect with deep cleansing. Due to the lack of water pressure, the metabolism and heat exchange is stimulated.

This bath (also available as a pack) makes sense in all cases, in which heat is considered as soothing and healing.

Organic Food

The term organic food describes natural food, which was processed in a gentle way with regard to its effect on the people and on the environment.


A peeling is applied in order to remove dry and dead dandruff from your skin. This stimulates the circulation of the skin; your skin seems rosier and is more open to care agents.

Sheep Wool Bath

Due to the heat effect, the sheep wool bath supports the circulation of energy and stimulates the blood circulation in the surface skin. This bath is very agreeable for muscle tensions, attrition of the joints, rheumatic illnesses and migraine. Furthermore, the bath stimulates the metabolism and has a detoxifying effect.